The Context

Everyone was still enjoying the slopes when the pandemics hit Europe.
Then the lockdown came.
Festivals all over Europe got cancelled or optimistically postponed.
We got into May and it was getting clear that the chances of EC8 happening were getting slim.
Restrictions started to be lifted slowly, for the sake of the economy.
But things were not looking good for large scale events like ours.

The Idea

We continued to work on this year’s edition until the very last moment.
After we announced the postponement of EC8 until 2021, besides the overall heavy impact with artists, builders, production people, partners and collaborators, vendors or service providers, the worst part was still not having an edition happening this year.
Because seeing people having fun and enjoying everything we’ve prepared for them becomes our joie de vivre after a year of hard work.
So we had to do something to mark the date.
We had to show our community that Electric Castle happens even when it doesn’t.
But how can we do that and still be insightful and memorable?
How can we offer everyone a moment that could even slightly resemble “that” special EC feeling?
We were talking with everyone involved and realized the heaviest impact of the pandemics context was suffered by artists.
Because concerts as we all knew them were cancelled for the foreseeable future and they were suddenly left without any income.
That’s when the idea of a concert without an audience was born.
A concert without an audience held in an empty festival.

EC nature

The perfect metaphor for the status quo.
For the state of the music and festivals industry.
We named the project FESTIVAL.
Because in a few years, when we look back at 2020, we will remember it as the year with NO FESTIVALS.
But hopefully as a year that made each and every one of us rethink what we do and come up with backup plans.

The Journey

We invited 3 of the most representative Romanian bands to take the stage in an empty Booha Mansion at Bánffy Castle.
Just the artists and the stage.
We also challenged them to do a jam session together, for the very first time.
Different styles, different genres, different personalities.

No Festival bands

They had a few weeks to rehearse.
Luckily they were able to gather together at the studio or practice spots and enjoy doing what they love doing most: music.
We sent a photo/video crew to follow them closely and document their journey.
To dig deep into their minds and souls and extract the purest feelings.

No Festival bands

When the date came, they packed all the tools and got on the road.
Back on the road, heading towards probably the weirdest experience of their professional lives.

No Festival bands

The good part was that the empty festival location is completely unexpected.
Instead of sadness, it brings incredible peace of mind.

EC nature

The Concert

On location, we created a special setup so they can face each other on the stage.
To make sure everything will be perfect, they did the sound check and two rounds of rehearsals on the spot.

No Festival bands

Then, at magic hour, everyone else left the scene.
The only people that remained on the stage were the artists, sound engineers and photo/video crew to capture all the emotion. And all the after thoughts.

No Festival bands

The result is this documented story right here.
A stunt to mark the state of the music and festivals industry.
A concert for no one that everyone can enjoy in the safety of their own home.
It was launched on July 15th, to make everyone think about the fun we could’ve had this year.
We’ll take a raincheck (pun intended) with a promise to see each other at the castle next year.

Until then..

No Festival dare


All precautionary measures have been taken for everyone involved regarding safety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU goes to our sponsors Lidl, OMV and glo.
This couldn’t have happened without you.
And to all the people who contributed to the project – you rock!
Check out the full credits at the end of the film.

A project by
Electric Castle
With the support of
No Festival sponsors
Nature is our dance floor

That’s why when the party is over, the only footprint left behind has to be a positive one. At Electric Castle, we believe that sustainability shouldn’t be a one-hit wonder but an all-timer. Our efforts are sustained and constant for each edition to be more environmentally friendly.

Nature is our dance floor
EC Radio